Assassins Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok
Dawn of Ragnarok is the third major expansion of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, which expands on the mythological aspect of Havi set in the base game, and takes players to the dwarven realm of Svartalfheim to face the fire giant Surtr.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the latest iteration of the decade-and-a-half-old stealth-action franchise by Ubisoft. The series is known for taking plays across different historical settings and exploring a millennia-old secret war between the Templar Order and the Assassin Brotherhood.
Dawn of Ragnarok released on March 10, 2022, and has been praised for its beautiful world design and unique interpretation of Norse mythology.
How do you defeat Surtr during The Rescue mission in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok
Dawn of Ragnarok builds upon the Nordic mythology presented in the base game of Valhalla and follows Havi (Odin) as he journeys to Svartalfheim, to rescue his son Baldr. Havi faces off against the primary antagonist Surtr in the prologue, and he turns out to be an imposing obstacle. So how can players defeat him?
The narrative setup
Once the Assasins's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok expansion is unlocked, players can kick off the expansion by taking a nap and entering a dream sequence as Eivor. The game kicks off with Havi and Frigg traveling to Svartalfheim, in search of their son Baldr.
As they travel from forest to dwarven cities that are eerily abandoned, they discuss how Surtr has taken over Svartalfheim and Havi should have intervened earlier to prevent that. He and Frigg soon discover mistletoe, the only weakness of Baldr, and suspect that he has been captured.
This is when Frigg and Havi get ambushed by muspels. After defeating most of them, the last standing muspel gives up Surtr’s location at the palace. After this, Havi and Frigg fight through muspels and make their way to the castle.
After entering the castle, Havi discovers Baldr hanging from the ceiling on a beaten-up stage and Surtr gloating below along with his wife Sinmara. After a brief dialogue exchange, Sinmara leads Frigg out of the castle to a face-off, whilst Have and Surtr face off against each other.
The fight against Surtr in Assasins's Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok
Surtr has a 3-point stamina bar and primarily uses heavy attacks, mixed with some ranged attacks. The Arena is a circular field with an extended tail and is surrounded by lava. Players must be very careful not to step into lava, as it can and will kill Havi quite fast.
As soon as the fight kicks off, players should dodge immediately, as Surtr instantly throws a projectile. Then, the best course of action would be to use a light bow and shoot the three weak points of Surtr, on his ankle, and two elbows.
As soon as Surtr is down, the best course of action is to move in and perform a stunt attack. This won’t take Surtr out immediately but will do significant damage to his health bar.
As Surtr uses a two-handed heavy weapon, the best way to counter him is to dual-wield weapons with fast attacking speed, such as Axe and Dagger. Players should use a combination of light attacks and dodging to eat away at his health bar but avoid his attacks.
Locking on to Surtr during combat is totally dependent on the player, as it does help to keep him in focus throughout the dodging process and land the attacks properly. However, it might also lead players to accidentally step into lava.
All in all, while Surtr does present an imposing fight, with a little bit of understanding of the attack pattern, players can take down the fire giant with ease in this DLC of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
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